Atomic Energy Electrical Test Paper Pdf | PAEC Electrical Engineering Past Paper 2021


Atomic Energy Electrical Solved  Paper MCQs 2021

Atomic Energy Commission Electrical Engineering Solved Paper MCQs 2021, Most Repeated MCQs of electrical engineering and electronics, Here we share Test paper MCQs of different fields like Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Computer related etc, In this Website "Rozgar Info" You find different Subject Past paper to prepare for Compitative Exam, Atomic Energy , NESCOM, Etea, PWD jobs, careerjobs1737 etc. If you find Atomic Energy Electrical Engineering Past paper MCQs So this is the best way to prepare for atomic energy  electrical written test, Electrical Engineering Past Paper Solved Mcqs 2021 are given below.

            Electrical MCQs

1.           Units for electric field strength:

(a) A/cm2

(b) mho/meter

(c) cm2 /V.s

(d) V/cm

2.       Value of dielectric constant for a material __________.

 (a) Equal to 1

 (b) Greater than 1

 (c) Less than 1

 (d) Zero.

3.       Example for ferro-electric material :

(a) Potassium niobate

 (b) Lead titanate

 (c) Lead zirconate

 (d) quartz

4.       The starting torque of a 3-phase induction motor varies as:

(a) V2

(b) V

(c) sq V

(d) 1/ V

5.       The power factor will be leading in case of

               (a) dielectric heating

               (b) resistance heating

                (c) induction heating

                (d) all the above

6.       Starting torque of sychronous motor is

              (a) very low

              (b) zero

              (c) very high

              (d) half-full load torque:

7.       Superposition theorem is essentially based on the concept of

               (a) Reciprocity

               (b) Linearity

                (c) Duality

                (d) Non-linearity

8.       The power factor at which transformer operates

(a) is unity

(b) is 0.8 lag

(c) is 0.8 lead

(d) Depends upon the power factor of the load

9.       The principle of dynamically induced emf is utilised is

               (a) Choke

                (b) Transformer

                (c) Thermocouple

               (d) Generator

10.   The angle between induced emf and terminal voltage on no-load for a single phase alternator is

               (a) 180°

               (b) 90°

               (c) 0°

               (d) 270°

11.   Which of the following will improve the mutual coupling between primary and secondary circuit?

               (a) Transformer oil of high break down voltage

               (b) High reluctance magnetic core

               (c) Winding material of high resistivity

               (d) Low reluctance magnetic core

12.   High leakage transformers are of

                (a) Small voltage ampere rating

                (b) High voltage ampere rating

                (c) High voltage rating

                (d) Low voltage rating  

13.   The negative phase sequence in a 3-phase synchronous motor exists when the motor is

                 (a) underloaded

                 (b) overloaded

                 (c) supplied with unbalanced voltage

                 (d) hot

14.   Dielectric constant for most polymers lies in the range of _______. 

                 (a) 1-3

                 (b) 2-5

                 (c) 4-7

                 (d) 6-10.

15.    Not an example for intrinsic semiconductor

                  (a) Si

                  (b) Al

                  (c) Ge

                  (d) Sn

16.   Energy band gap size for semiconductors is in the range ________ eV.


                  (b) 2-3

                  (c) 3-4

                  (d) > 4

17.   Fermi energy level for p-type extrinsic semiconductors lies

                  (a) At middle of the band gap

                  (b) Close to conduction band

                  (c) Close to valence band

                   (d) None

18.   In p-type semiconductors, number of holes __________ number of electrons.

                  (a) Equal

                  (b) Greater than

                  (c) Less than

                  (d) Twice

19.   High dielectric constant material is must for __________.

                 (a) Insulation of wires

                 (b) Generators

                 (c) Switch bases

                (d) Generators

20.   Fermi energy level for intrinsic semiconductors lies

                (a) At middle of the band gap

                (b) Close to conduction band

                (c) Close to valence band

                (d) None

21.   Mobility of holes is _______  mobility of electrons in intrinsic semiconductors.

               (a) Equal

               (b) Greater than

               (c) Less than

              (d) Can not define

22.   A centre zero ammetor connected in the rotor circuit of a 6-pole, 50 Hz induction motor makes 30 oscillations in one minute. The rotor speed is

             (a) 670 rpm

             (b) 1000 rpm

             (c) 1010 rpm

             (d) 1030 rpm

23.   For cooling of large size generators hydrogen is used because

              (a) it offers reduced fire risk

              (b) it is light in weight

              (c) it is of high thermal conductivity

              (d) all the above

24.   . Two coupled coils with L1 = L2 = 0.6H have a coupling coefficient of K = 0.8. The turn ratio 1 2 N N is 

               (a) 4

               (b) 2

               (c) 1

               (d) 0.5

25.   The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is connected

              (a) in series with the fixed coil

              (b) across the supply

              (c) in series with the load

              (d) any one of the above 

 These are the Electrical Engineering   Solved paper MCQs of Atomic Energy Commission 2021, So prepare these Questions for written test, 
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